We do refurbished / reconditioned sterilizer service
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Midmark Ritter M7 Sterilizer (the most recent version 020) SN V202395
Pelton Crane Validator Plus 8 Sterilizer Reconditioned
Prestige 210006 is one of the worlds largest selling and cost effective automatic autoclaves available.
Fixed temperature three phase Sterilmatic is one of the fast large tabletop steam sterilizer, fast, simple, reliable and durable. This is a Reconditioned Market Forge Sterilizer
Reconditioned Midmark Ritter M7 Sterilizer (001~010)
Prestige 210006 is one of the worlds largest selling and cost effective automatic autoclaves available.
Reconditioned Statim 2000 Sterilizer
Reconditioned Statim 5000 Sterilizer